Mon 27 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
ESSENTIALs!NEW 80 HR Rates! LATINA BEAUTY to give you my PRIVATE attention in my PRIVATE Gallery - 25
Feminine sensuality and sin's immodest charm. A true professional. - 36
(Panama City, panama city beach)
To Relax Call JoYcE TaKiNg Calls ALL DAY SuNdAY and WeekDay Evenings 6 Til late - 48
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area Panama City)
SENSUAL FEELING* l!DISCRETE Private Residential Location~ Quality NEVER rushed service - 25
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention ALL WEEK starting at 9:30 am - 50
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
To Relax Call Joyce cAll aFtEr 5:30 P.M. MONDAY-THURSDAY EVENINGS ONLY - 47
(Panama City, St. Andrews - Panama City)
Sensual feeling!Never rushed,service with a SMILE!80 RATE! Discrete PRIVATE location - 26
(Panama City, PANAMA CITY/callaway/TAFB)
ππ Happy New Yearπ«π₯ Start it off right...... Relax Yourself - 27
(Tallahassee, Tallahassee incall/outcall)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention/Available 9 am til 9 pm Break from 5 pm - 7 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Feminine sensuality and sin's immodest charm. A true professional. - 37
(Panama City, panama city beach)
SENSUAL FEELING* LOW Rates l!DISCRETE Private Residential Location~ Quality NEVER rushed service - 25
To Relax Call JoYcE TaKiNg Calls AfTer 5 for Apts WeekDay Evenings 6 Til late - 48
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area Panama City)
SENSUAL TOUCH* NEW RATE,Soothing ,Satisfying bodyrubs,DISCRET Private RESIDENTIAL Location - 26
ESSENTIALS! BEAUTIFUL LATINA BEAUTY!! 80 HR RATES 100%real pic!Guarenteed 2 Put a smile on ur face - 25
Feminine sensuality and sin's immodest charm. A true professional. - 36
(Panama City, panama city beach)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention starting at 9:30 am - 5 pm & 7 pm - 8:30 - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
To Relax Call Joyce TaKiNg Calls aFtEr 5:30 P.M. MONDAY - THURSDAY - 47
(Panama City, St. Andrews - Panama City)
ESSENTIALTOUCH !!! NEW 80 HR RATES ... LATINA BEAUTY!!YOU Cannot Put A Price On Privacy! - 25
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call JoYce to ReLaX Avail weekday evenings 7 pm - 9 pm this week & today, Thurs. - 49
(Panama City, St Andrews Area Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discrete Personal Attention/NOT AVAILABLE WEEKEND/ AVAIL MON-FRIDAY 10-4 - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
**Graduation Special = $20 off ANY Massage** - 48
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Panama City)
SENSUAL FEELING* NEW Low rate l!DISCRETE Private Residential Location!Let These hands do the Talking - 25
**Spring Special Thru May = $30 off ANY Massage** - 48
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Panama City, Tallahassee)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
SENSUAL FEELING*NEW LOW RATE!Service that ALWAYS leaves u with a SMILE! Discrete PRIVATE location - 26
(Panama City, PANAMA CITY/callaway/TAFB)
**Spring Special Thru May = $30 off ANY Massage** - 48
(East, Panama City Beach off Thomas Dr, Okaloosa, Panama City)
SENSATIONAL FEELING 4 Hand Special by 2 BEAUTIFUL women that let OUR hands DO THE TALKING - 26
(Panama City, panama city,callaway parker,TAFB)
ESSENTIAL TOUCH!NEW 80RATES! Soft Gentle hands to Relax the Mind Body & Soul & make u SMILE - 25
(panama city fl)
Feminine sensuality and sin's immodest charm. A true professional. - 37
(Panama City, panama city beach)
SENSUAL TOUCH* New LOW RATE,Soothing ,Satisfying bodyrubs,DISCRET Private RESIDENTIAL Location - 26
SENSATIONAL Bodyrubs* YOUR body CRAVES and YEARNS for my Smooth Soothing SOFT TOUCH*80 new RATES - 26
80 Special!Discrete private residential location! Let my hands do the talking - 25
(Panama City, PANAMA CITY,FWB)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
SENSUAL FEELING!80 RATE!service that ALWAYS leaves u with a SMILE! Discrete PRIVATE location - 26
(Panama City, PANAMA CITY/callaway/TAFB)
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise 9 am til 8 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Fri 10 Jan
Body Rubs by Naomi. Private location. Low Rates. 850.630.2109 - 28
(Panama City, 5 mins from PC Mall)
Thu 09 Jan
Call Joyce to ReLaX this Week and/or upcoming Weekend - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Wed 08 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention/ CURRENTLY BOOKED FRIDAY/AVAIL SATURDAY - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Relaxation Body Rub for Males Available Tues/Weds Day hours too - 45
(Panama City, Thomas Drive Panama City Beach)
To Relax & Leave w/ a SMILE, Call JOYCE Hours TODAY ONLY from 2:30 pm til 4:30 or 7 pm or 7:30pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Tue 07 Jan
Call JoYce to ReLax True Grits (Girl Raised in the South) Avail today 7pm-9 pm - 49
(Panama City, Panama City-St. Andrews (next to bay))
Mon 06 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
*Sensational feeling**LOWest Rates in Town Sensual service DISCRETE incall LOCATION! - 26
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention/Saturday 3/26/16 10 am - 9 pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Sun 05 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax with Discreet Personal Attention Today 9:30am til 5:30pm and 7pm til 9pm - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
To Relax Call Joyce TaKiNg Calls aFtEr 1:00 P.M. ToDaY FRIDAY! - 47
(Panama City, St. Andrews - Panama City)
Fri 03 Jan
Call Joyce to Relax Today I will Make Your Day Specially Delightful I Promise - 49
(Panama City, St. Andrews Area of Panama City)
Thu 02 Jan